Porn is the most consumed digital content on the internet.


Upon the top 3 most visited sites daily in is porn. The further you go down the list and the percentage of porn sites among high traffic websites is.... Porn.

As the internet has grown and developed over time, the profits have continued to grow, among the top sites on the internet. While many once profitable domains have closed shop or appear to be ghost operations today, the seperation at the top has increased the competition at the bottom has also increased exponentially. As the profits shrink and continue to tighten up among the bottom 99% of the internet, the quality of product as a result of the competition has taken a beleaguring path. 

With the majority of the internet quality dropping significantly with time, as the majority of sites increase their efforts to claw away any cash flow they can from the dry revenue pool. Invasive Ads, Malicious partnerships, private data sellers, crypto miners, and any other pathetic attempt to scrape away a penny at whatever expense of the internet user.


We are different.

We provide a much more consumer, ethical, friendly, viewer entertainment. All while staying squarely centered in the worlds most competitive and desired content on the internet. We don't abuse or misuse our visitors or users. We believe in a better internet, that's still the internet.

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